Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Really folks, the time has come to begin migrating business management to the cloud. Cloud computing, or cloud-based business management software, has been around for a few years now. And small, medium-sized, and large enterprises should now all be on to the cloud as a place to both store and manage all aspects  of their business. And by all aspects I mean the entire business cycle. From tracking a sales person's lead generation, to placing an order, to receiving a payment, to shipping, to inventory management, to accounting and record keeping, etc. etc. Another way of stating this business cycle would be ERP to CRM to E-Commerce to Financials. All these various steps need to also be fully integrated, so that there is full communication and transparency of information to all parties involved.

Questions ? If you have a business, or are working in a business that is not yet being managed in the cloud, but think potentially it could be, write or call and let's explore the possibility. 



  1. Can you please explain the benefits of using the cloud to manage your business cycle rather than on-premise software applications? what difficulties with the old on-premise model does the cloud overcome, and how were those difficulties dealt with in the past?


    ***The cost of computing systems can be minimized. You only need a computer with minimum specifications to be able to use office applications, financial software, data storage and information systems.

    ***Free to use any device, anywhere. Users of cloud computing systems need not be confined to an office computer or office network access only. Users can remain productive as long as there is internet.

    ***Virtualization. Infrastructure devices can support each other and share among them.

    ***Sharing. This will save on other expensive resources such as electricity and maintenance costs because all servers are in one location. Users can also enjoy a high performance server because the more users, the better the infrastructure provided.

    ***Higher reliability. Cloud computing system is getting more sophisticated along with the continued increase in the number of users. Engineers will design the system to survive in all conditions.

    ***Scalability. Users can set how much data needs to be processed. Supervision of the performance is done through a web-based interface.

    ***Security. Security will be increased because admistrator will manage the security based on many users needs. Company's cloud computing service providers will allocate funds for increased security which most individuals will not be able to finance it.

    ***Less Maintenance: Users only need to keep their computers to be connected with cloud computing services. Application and softwares updates is the responsibility of providers. Users only need to approve the update if there are system updates offered to them.


    ***The biggest concerns about cloud computing are security and privacy. Data is stored in a public place. It is regulated by anyone other than you or your company.

    ***Data security becomes very complicated. Security systems are generally better but because the amount of data is very much the complexity of the problem is greatly increased data security. Users have little right to view the security log, especially if there is something odd.

    ***Hacker attacks against a user can have an impact on other users and result in losses. If a hacker penetrated a server then chances are that the hackers were also able to access other servers.

    ***Dependence. To move or migrate data from one application service providers to other service providers may be difficult.

    ***Very little control over assets. Data audit and asset inspection is difficult because users don't have the actual information where the system located and how it operates.

    ***Continuous Internet access. Small companies and private users may not be able to maintain high quality of internet connection.


    Cloud computing system could benefit the company's business. Follow this advice for successful cloud implementation -

    ***Prepare your corporate organization in adapting cloud computing to the existing system

    ***Learn the system and requirements before using any cloud computing services

    ***Prepare a way to move the service to another service provider if you are not satisfied.

    ***Use a service that suits your needs and existing systems

    ***Increase the reliability of your internet network
